New Award Setup

OSP is responsible for receiving, negotiating, and setting up awards in Research-UVA PBH (RUVA) and Workday Financials.

To complete the setup process, OSP needs the unit administrator to verify and/or update the information provided at the proposal stage.

Please review each section of the RUVA Funding Proposal SmartForm with your PI and project team once the unilateral award is received. OSP cannot complete award setup for records with missing information. 

Any changes to this information will necessitate an email to the OSP Pre-Award Administrator listed as the Specialist of the Funding Award in RUVA. This is your contact person throughout the award setup process. 

This guidance focuses on unilateral awards, (i.e., an award that does not require negotiation and signature). However, the documentation and approvals referenced here are also relevant for awards resulting from bilateral agreements. Updated documents and approvals can be emailed directly to the Specialist identified in RUVA.

Regulatory Approvals

ACTION: Review the regulatory information provided in the Compliance Review page of the Funding Proposal to ensure that they match the sponsor award documents. If you are not familiar with the regulatory information or need tips on navigating RUVA, see the Reference Guide for Funding Proposals.

  1. If the regulatory compliance questions on the proposal reflect the project as awarded and the answers are all “no,” no further action is needed.

  2. If the regulatory information is out of date or has changed, email your Specialist with the updated information.

  3. If the answers to some regulatory questions are “yes,” gather and email the relevant reviews and approval letters, such as IRB or IACUC, to your Specialist.

NOTE: OSP cannot complete award setup without active IRB and IACUC approvals. If your IRB or IACUC approval is pending due to project prerequisites or other circumstances involving submission approval, please contact your Specialist. The award setup may be complete without the requisite approval letter on a case-by-case basis.

OSP must manually document relevant regulatory reviews and approvals in the RUVA Funding Award. This process may take some time to complete.  

Key Personnel Compliance and Effort

ACTION: Work with your PI and project team to confirm compliance requirements are complete and committed effort is appropriately documented.

  1. Ensure the PI and any personnel that meet the definition of Investigator have completed the following trainings and disclosures:
  2. If the Key Personnel list has changed since the time of proposal, email your Specialist to update the Funding Award.
  3. If there has been a change in the committed percent effort/person months for any Key Personnel, please email your Specialist with the updated effort information.
  4. Review the sponsor award documentation for any sponsor compliance requirements (e.g., NASA Certifications). Email this information to your Specialist.

The PI and any personnel named as FCOI Investigators must have complete compliance in the RUVA Funding Award. All sponsor compliance requirements must be complete, such as required NASA Certifications. Additionally, all Key Personnel must have committed effort outlined.

Awarded Budget

ACTION: Please compare the awarded and authorized funding with the proposed budget.

  1. If there is no change to the budget since time of proposal, no action is needed.
  2. If the budget has changed, email the Specialist a revised budget, matching the award amounts.
  3. If there are internal budgets required, provide all breakdowns between each department/school/cost center. If OSP is provided with this information in advance of award setup, a separate Award Modification Request will not be required after-the-fact.
  4. If there is committed cost sharing, please ensure your Specialist is aware so they can create a cost share grant for your award and appropriately document the amount of cost share.

OSP uses the final sponsor approved budget to create the RUVA Funding Award. 

Cost Center and Roles

ACTION: Confirm whether the Cost Center provided on the Funding Proposal needs to be updated for the Funding Award.

If the Cost Center needs to be updated, email the Specialist.

The RUVA Funding Award is assigned to a Cost Center based on the Responsible Department identified in the Funding Proposal. The Cost Center also determines roles and access to the award in Workday.

Will there be outgoing subwards?

If your award includes outgoing subawards, please continue to the Outgoing Subawards page. If not, there are no further action items.